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Creator: iceangelmkx and MetadragonX
Name: Azita
Nickname: The Beautiful Enigma
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Apprentice
Alignment: Good
Group: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Handedness: Right Handed
Skin: Fair
Gender: Female
Age: Unsure, looks between 25 and 30.
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac (Greek): Unknown
Zodiac (Chinese): Unknown
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 138 lbs
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black with a tint of purple.

Azita is a reserved person who keeps most of her feelings to herself.
Phobias: Never knowing her past.
Favorite Colors: Purple.
Favorite Scents: Lavendar
Favorite Foods: Rabbit, chicken.
Other Favorites: Magic tricks, reading.
Strengths: Agility, wizardry.
Weaknesses: Letting her emotions get the best of her.

Others: Master/Gorion
*Other family unknown due to memory loss*
Friends: Gorion, Katrina.
Foes: Drenya.
Story (written by iceangelmkx)
Two years ago, she was found in a form of a werewolf by an elder wizard who went by the name of Gorion.  In an out-of-control instinct, she attacked him.  With his powers, Gorion was able to defend himself and managed to knock the beast unconscious.  Then, he brought the wolf back into his secluded home in order to mend it's wounds.  While doing so, the light of the moon darkened behind thick clouds and when Gorion turned to the table, he no longer saw a werewolf.  Instead, he saw a young woman...
The woman was only able to recall her attack on Gorion and nothing more, not even her own name.  Then, the light from the moon came about again and she returned to her werewolf form.  Gorion defended himself once again and rendered her unconcious, but not before receiving what would be life-long scars.
Gorion decided to help the woman the next morning, for he realized that she was alone in this world and had no one to turn to.  He put a spell on an enchanted necklace that was given to him long ago and placed it around her neck.  This would prevent the woman from turning into a wolf again, as long as she didn't take the necklace off.
Soon, Gorion began training the woman with all he knew... magic, self defense, and the Chinese Blade.  He had also began calling her Azita, a name he had always admired.  For two years, Azita would be trained by Gorion in their secluded home.  Though she sometimes wondered about her past, Azita, decided to go on with the new life she was enjoying.

Soul Calibur 3
Soul Calibur 4

Character Formula For Azita
Soul Calibur 3
Class: Sage
Discipline: Chinese Blade
Prefered Weapon: Rune Blade

Head: Witch's Hat (31, 17)
Hair: Medium Straight (33, 25)
Mask: Sage Glasses (01, 27), (01, 14)
Chin: Blush (34, 19)
L.Torso: Formal Shirt (01, 27)
M.Torso: Witch's Robe (31, 17)
U.Torso: Samurai Armor (31, 17)
Arms: Leather Gloves (01, 27)
Shoulders: Iron Pads (31, 17)
Neck: Priest Necklace (01, 27)
Waist: Demonic Belt (01, 27)
L.Legs: Thief's Pants (01, 27)
U.Legs: -------
Shins: ------
Socks: Knee Socks (01, 14)
Feet: Pointed Boots (31, 17), (31, 17)

Face: 07
Eyebrows: 30, 25
Lips: 06, 19
Eyes: 09, 19
Skin: 04,15
Underwear: 01,14
Voice: Woman
Soul Calibur 4

Style: Seong Mi-na

Weapon: Halberd


Head: Witch’s Hat (5: 51, 08) (9: 01, 32)

Face: Pince-nez (01: 01, 01) (01: 01, 01)

Neck: Kitty Choker (9: 01, 16)

Shoulders: --------------------------------

Undergarments: ---------------------------

Upper Body: Huayin Dress (5: 51, 08) (9: 51, 24) (9: 51, 20) (9: 51, 20)

Arms: Raven Gloves (5: 51, 08) (9: 51, 24) (9: 51, 20) (9: 51, 24)

Lower Body: ----------------------------

Ankles: Laced Stockings (9: 51, 30) (9: 01, 32)

Legs: Traveler’s Boots (5: 51, 21) (9: 01, 10)


Physique: +30, -30

Voice: Voice 3, Pitch -26

Hair: Swing

Face: Female Face 6

Hair Color: (4: 48, 32)

Eyebrow & Facial Hair: (3: 48, 27)

Eyes: (9: 11, 15)

Skin: (1: 07, 01)

Underwear: (0: 01, 01)

Character Trivia
  • Azita was a joint effort of both iceangelmkx and MetadragonX.  Despite this, ownership belongs to iceangelmkx.
  • Azita's name came from an old game show, where a contestant was named Azita.

© iceangelmkx 2006-2012
© MetadragonX 2006-2012
Site Launched: February 6, 2006