
The Characters
Groups & Clans
Fan Art
Fun Stuff


Q: What made you create this site?
A: I had hosted both mine and MetadragonX's characters at my main domain iceangelmkx's lair on my original characters page.  However, because of the growing amount of Soul Calibur created characters we were making (plus creating the characters their own story), it was best that the characters had their own domain.  Thus, Swords of Salvation was born.
Q: How come I can't submit any of my own characters?
A: Because I don't have the extra money to host your characters here.  Perhaps maybe one day when I at least feel rich, then I'll do so.
Q: How come MetadragonX's characters are hosted here then?  He doesn't do much here!
A: Calm down.  MetadragonX is still new to site building whereas I have done site building for three years.  Plus he's my boyfriend, which would explain everything ^_^.
Q: May I link to your site?
A: Yes you may.  And I recommend sending me the site where you will be hosting the link.  That way, I can link you back here and my main site.
Q: Can I take stuff from here?
A: No.  A majority of the pictures, fictions, and art here were made by either me, MetadragonX, or other people who have received credit.  We wouldn't be very happy about it.  However, if you really want them, you have to personally email us and ask permission.
Q: Where can I contact you?
A: You can either contact me at or MetadragonX at
Q: What the heck!?  Why are there spelling errors?!!
A: I admit, I don't watch it sometimes.  So if you see it, tell me and I'll immediately correct it.  I don't want to make the mistake of writing "ovulation" in place of "ovation" again o_O;;
Q: Do you have a life?
A: Aside from site building, browsing, playing video games, working, going to school, and being with each other...not really.

© iceangelmkx 2006-2012
© MetadragonX 2006-2012
Site Launched: February 6, 2006