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Creator: MetadragonX
Name: Melantha Kawano
Nickname: The Violet Katana
Birthplace: Japan
Occupation: Soldier
Alignment: Good
Group: The Warrior Kings
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Handedness: Right Handed
Skin: Fair
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: February 1, 1560
Zodiac (Greek): Aquarius
Zodiac (Chinese): ---
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 119 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown

Overview: Melantha is a calm and collective person.  She is honorable, dutiful, and would reach her goals anyway possible.
Phobias: Failure.
Favorite Colors: Purple
Favorite Scents: Lavendar
Favorite Foods: Chicken, tomatos
Other Favorites: Nature, training.
Strengths: Speed, agility.
Weaknesses: Can sometimes get her emotions get to her.

Parents: Mother (Deceased)
              Father (Deceased)
Friends: Ryuji, Kia.
Foes: Lizaya.
Story (coming soon)

Picture Gallery
Soul Calibur 3
Soul Calibur 4

Formula For Melantha

Soul Calibur 3

Class: Samurai
Discipline: Katana
Prefered Weapon: Kokuenra

Head: --------
Hair: Ponytail (loop) (08,03),(30,09)
Mask: ------
Chin: -----
L.Torso: Formal Shirt (01,02)
M.Torso: -------
U.Torso: Breastplate (30,09)
Arms: Burglar's Gloves (30,09)
Shoulders: Iron Shoulders (30,09)
Neck: ------
Waist: Barbarian Belt (30,09)
L.Legs: Lady Pants (01,27)
U.Legs: -------
Shins: Ashigaru Shin Gaurds (30,09)
Socks: Knee Socks (01,01)
Feet: Leather Sandals (30,09)

Face: 07
Eyebrows: 08,03
Lips: 36,20
Eyes: 22,06
Skin: 08,17
Underwear: 01,01
Voice: Girl 2

Soul Calibur 4

Style: Mitsurugi

Weapon: Kokuenra


Head: -----------------------

Face: ------------------------

Neck: ------------------------

Shoulders: Pi Bo (4: 44, 27) (2: 12, 10)

Undergarments: Chain Mail (0: 01, 25) (5: 01, 25)

Upper Body: Menghu Cuirass (1: 44, 18) (4: 44, 27) (4: 44, 27) (2: 12, 10)

Arms: Engraved Gauntlets (6: 11, 08) (0: 01, 16)

Lower Body: Warrior’s Fauld (2: 12, 10) (4: 44, 28)

Ankles: ------------------------

Legs: Kingfisher Greaves (6: 11, 12) (2: 44, 24) (6: 11, 12)


Physique: +15, +25

Voice: Voice 2, Pitch -15

Hair: Ponytail

Face: Female Face 4

Hair Color: (2: 03, 28) (3: 46, 19)

Eyebrow & Facial Hair: (2: 03, 28)

Eyes: (3: 45, 20)

Skin: (4: 13, 07)

Underwear: (3: 45, 22)

Character Trivia
  • Melantha was inspired by Bastila Shan from 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.'

© iceangelmkx 2006-2012
© MetadragonX 2006-2012
Site Launched: February 6, 2006