Creator: iceangelmkx
Name: Leala van Delaflote Nickname:
The Loyal One Birthplace: France
Occupation: Student and Waitress
Alignment: Good
Group: None Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual Handedness: Right Handed Skin: Fair Gender:
Female Age: 16 Birthday: December 2, 1563 Zodiac (Greek): Saggittarius Zodiac
(Chinese): --- Height: 5'5'' Weight: 119 lbs Eyes: Light
Blue Hair: Brown
Overview: --- Phobias:
--- Favorite Colors: Blue and Green. Favorite Scents: --- Favorite Foods:
--- Other Favorites: --- Strengths: Speed, defense. Weaknesses:
Parents: Mother/Noemi (died of illness)
Father/Roland (died before her birth)
Relatives: Uncle/Sebastian (also her trainer)
Friends: Umeko, Tetsu
Foes: All evil.
Story (coming soon)
Soul Calibur 3
Character Formula For Leala
Soul Calibur 3
Gender: Female Class: Ninja Disipline: Soul of Setsuka Weapon:
Head: Twisted Headband (19, 18) Hair: Semi-Long (Topknot) (04, 25) (19, 18) Mask: ---------- Chin:
Blush (04, 19) Lower Torso: --------- Mid Torso: Gambler's Robe (19, 18) (01, 14) Upper Torso: ----------------- Arms:
Leather Gloves (01, 14) Shoulders: -------------- Neck: Brooch Choker (01, 14) (19, 18) Waist: ----------------- Lower
Legs: ---------- Upper Legs: --------- Shins: ---------- Socks: Cloth Socks (01, 14) Feet: Leather Boots (01,
Face: 03 Eyebrows: 04, 25 Lips: 04, 19 Eyes: 05, 05 Skin: 04, 14 Underwear: 01, 14 Voice: Girl
Soul Calibur 4
Style: Setsuka
Weapon: Ugetsu Kageuchi (2P)
Head: Atalanta’s Headband (9: 28, 16) (9:
01, 01)
Face: ----------------------
Neck: Kitty Choker (9: 01, 14)
Shoulders: -----------------------
Undergarments: ----------------------
Upper Body: Night Butterfly Dress (9: 28, 16) (9:
01, 01) (9: 28, 16) (9: 01, 01)
Arms: Roman Armlets (9: 01, 01) (9: 28, 16)
Lower Body: -------------------------
Ankles: Huayin Socks (9: 01, 01) (9: 28, 16) (9:
01, 09)
Legs: Velvet Shoes (9: 01, 32) (9: 01, 01) (9:
28, 16)
Physique: +34, -50
Voice: Voice 2, Pitch -6
Hair: Updo
Face: Female Face 2
Hair Color: (9: 06, 29)
Eyebrow & Facial Hair: (9: 06, 29)
Eyes: (9: 14, 19)
Skin: (2: 12, 01)
Underwear: (9: 01, 01)