Main Characters
Aleera: The Dark Assassin
Angel: The Angelic Soul
Drenya: The Sadistic Sorceress
Emlyn: The Glowing Sapphire
Eshana: The Jade Shadow
Fernando: The Emerald Blade
Heru: The Man With Two Faces
Isis: The Serpent Wolf
Jack Hawk: The Subsist Pirate
Kayleigh: The Stealthy Thief
Keaira: The Dark Child
Keida: The Red Flare
Mara: The Golden Goddess
Oksana: The Anxious Saint
Reena: The Traveling Nomad
Ryuji: The Ronin Samurai
Thana: The Fire Goddess
The Maiden: Mistress of Chaos
Vironia: The Steel Gladiator
Vittorio: The Unloyal Slayer
Secondary Characters
Akito: The Demon King
Alastor: The Ruthless Slayer
Alexander: The Blue Knight
Alora: The Heavenly Sorceress
Andriana: The Volputuous Musketeeress
Ark: The Dark Reaper
Azita: The Beautiful Enigma
Blackberry: Berry Patch #1
Blueberry: Berry Patch #3
Breanna: The Stubborn Princess
Captain Tina: The Pirate of Love
Crystal: The Lonely Guardian
Eduardo: The Energetic Spainard
Emera: The Emerald Beauty
Erica: The Honorable Soldier
Gabriel: The Young Blade
Gorgon: The Honorable Demon
Gorion: The Tranquil Wizard
Hoshiko: The Young Redeemer
Kasyda: The Demon Child
Katrina: The Fair Enchanter
Kia: The Innocent Samurai
Lizaya: The Crimson Fatale
Malice: The Fire Entity
Melantha: The Violet Katana
Melina: The Pirate of the Night
Midnight: The Dark Huntress
Nallia: The Peaceful Guardian
Plague: The Undead Knight
Sarin: Daughter of Insanity
Satina: The Chaotic Jester
Strawberry: Berry Patch #2
Sumey: The Demonic Seductress